What Is The Tennessee Whiskey Trail? Guide to Tennessee Distillery Tours (With Map)

Nashville, Bourbon

Feb 7, 2025

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Launched by the Tennessee Distillers Guild in 2017, the Tennessee Whiskey Trailis a group of 26 distilleries in the state of Tennessee making whiskey and other spirits. A wide range of Tennessee distilleries are included from micro-distilleries to legendary and historic distillers.

The Tennessee Whiskey Trail website suggests that you could tour all participating distilleries in 10 days. Each distillery tour differs and can last anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours. Cost for tours and tasting also varies. If you do plan to visit all the distilleries on the Tennessee Whiskey Trail, be sure to get a Tennessee Whiskey Trail passport at your first stop or download the Tennessee Whiskey Trail app. By collecting stamps at each destination, you’ll earn a free t-shirt upon completion.

One easy way to see several distilleries in a short period is to join Mint Julep Experiences on our Tennessee Whiskey Tours. Currently, five Tennessee Whiskey Trail distilleries are included in our guided tour and tasting day trips leaving Nashville each morning Wednesday through Sunday. Large groups may consider buying out a Mint Julep tour bus for a private experience.


The Tennessee Whiskey Trail is divided into three sections. Mint Julep focuses on the distilleries of middle Tennessee for its Nashville tours. We think the best way to enjoy Tennessee whiskey is with someone else as your driver and guide. Mint Julep plans your entire day so all you have to do is sit back and relax! Safe and responsible transportation makes it easy to enjoy the best Tennessee whiskey.

Here’s a complete list of Tennessee Whiskey Trail distilleries with notes on tour and tasting options and an easy to use map. Distilleries marked with an asterisk (*) are currently included in Mint Julep tours.

Guide to Tennessee Whiskey Trail Distilleries

Middle Tennessee Distilleries 

Corsair Distillery*

Products: Gin, Absinthe, Rum, Moonshine, Rye Whiskey, Malt Whiskey, American Whiskey, Genever

Tours: Corsair offers tour and tasting options at all three of its distillery locations. Schedules vary. Visit Corsair with Mint Julep Friday, Saturday or Sunday on the Rising Stars tour.

Location(s): Nashville, TN (Marathon Village and Wedgewood Houston) and Bowling Green, KY

Website: http://www.corsairdistillery.com


George Dickel Cascade Hollow Distillery*

Products: Tennessee Whiskey, Rye Whiskey, White Corn Whiskey

Tours: Cascade Hollow Distillery offers tour and tasting options seven days a week. Visit George Dickel with Mint Julep Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday on the Legends tour.

Location: Cascade Hollow, TN

Website: https://www.georgedickel.com


Nelson’s Green Brier Distillery

Products: Tennessee Whiskey, Bourbon

Tours: Nelson’s Green Brier Distillery offers tour and tasting options seven days a week.

Location: Nashville, TN

Website: https://greenbrierdistillery.com


H Clark Distillery*

Products: Bourbon, Gin, Whiskey

Tours: H Clark offers tour and tasting options seven days a week. Visit H Clark with Mint Julep Friday, Saturday or Sunday on the Rising Stars tour.

Location: Thompson’s Station, TN

Website: https://hclarkdistillery.com


Jack Daniel Distillery*

Products: Tennessee Whiskey, Rye Whiskey, Flavored Whiskey

Tours: Jack Daniel Distillery offers tour and tasting options seven days a week. Visit Jack Daniel’s with Mint Julep Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday on the Legends tour.

Location: Lynchburg, TN

Website: https://www.jackdaniels.com


Jug Creek Distillery

Products: Gin, Vodka, Wheat Whiskey, Single Malt Whiskey, Flavored Liqueurs

Tours: Jug Creek Distillery offers tour and tasting options Thursday through Sunday.

Location: Lascassas, TN

Website: https://www.jugcreekdistillery.com


Leiper’s Fork Distillery*

Products: Tennessee Whiskey, Bourbon, Rye Whiskey, White Whiskey

Tours: Leiper’s Fork Distillery offers tour and tasting options Tuesday through Saturday. Visit Leiper’s Fork with Mint Julep Friday, Saturday or Sunday on the Rising Stars tour.

Location: Leiper’s Fork, TN

Website: http://leipersforkdistillery.com


Nashville Craft Distillery

Products: Tennessee Whiskey, Gin, Flavored Liqueurs

Tours: Nashville Craft Distillery offers tour and tasting Tuesday through Sunday.

Location: Nashville, TN

Website: http://www.nashvillecraft.com


Old Glory Distilling Co.

Products: Bourbon, Rum, Vodka, Moonshine

Tours: Old Glory offers tour and tasting options seven days a week.

Location: Clarksville, TN

Website: https://oldglorydistilling.com


Short Mountain Distillery

Products: Moonshine, Bourbon, Rye Whiskey, Tennessee Whiskey

Tours: Short Mountain offers tour and tasting options Thursday through Sunday.

Location: Woodbury, TN

Website: https://www.shortmountaindistillery.com


Southern Pride Distillery

Products: Moonshine, Tennessee Whiskey

Tours: Southern Pride Distillery offers tour and tasting optinos Monday through Saturday.

Location: Fayetteville, TN

Website: http://www.southernpridedistillery.com


Pennington Distilling Co.

Products: Flavored Whiskey, Vodka, Flavored Liqueurs and Cordials

Tours: Pennington Distilling offers tour and tasting options Thursday through Saturday.

Location: Nashville, TN

Website: https://www.penningtondistillingco.com


Tenn South Distillery

Products: Tennessee Whiskey, Vodka, Moonshine

Tours: Tenn South Distillery offers tour and tasting options Monday through Saturday.

Location: Lynnville, TN

Website: http://tennsouthdistillery.com


Prichard’s Distillery

Products: Rum, Flavored Liqueurs, Bourbon, Tennessee Whiskey, Malt Whiskey, Rye Whiskey

Tours: Prichard’s Distillery offers tour and tasting options Monday through Saturday.

Location: Kelso, TN

Website: http://prichardsdistillery.com


Eastern Tennessee Distilleries


Bootleggers Distillery

Products: Rum, Moonshine, Rye Whiskey

Tours: Bootleggers Distillery offers tours with tasting options seven days a week.

Location: Hartford, TN

Website: http://www.bootleggerswhiskey.com


Chattanooga Whiskey Co.

Products: American Whiskey

Tours: Chattanooga Whiskey’s Experimental Distillery offers tour and tasting options seven days a week.

Location: Chattanooga, TN

Website: http://chattanoogawhiskey.com


Cocke County Moonshine Distillery

Products: Moonshine

Tours: Cocke County Moonshine Distillery offers tastings Monday through Saturday.

Location: Newport, TN

Website: https://www.cockecountymoonshinedistillery.com


Doc Collier Moonshine Distillery

Products: Moonshine

Tours: Doc Collier Distillery offers tastings seven days a week.

Location: Gatlinburg, TN

Website: https://doccollier.co


Knox Whiskey Works

Products: Bourbon, Flavored Whiskey, Gin, Vodka, Flavored Liqueurs

Tours: Knox Whiskey Works offers tour and tasting options Thursday through Saturday.

Location: Knoxville, TN

Website: http://www.knoxwhiskeyworks.com


Old Forge Distillery

Products: Moonshine, Run, Vodka, Bourbon

Tours: Old Forge Distillery offers tour and tasting options seven days a week by request.

Location: Pigeon Forge, TN

Website: https://oldforgedistillery.com


Ole Smoky Distillery

Products: Moonshine, Flavored Whiskey

Tours: Ole Smoky offers tour and tasting options at both distillery locations seven days a week.

Location(s): Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, TN

Website: https://olesmoky.com


PostModern Distilling

Products: Gin, Amaro, Flavored Liqueurs

Tours: PostModern Distilling offers tour and tasting options Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.

Location: Knoxville, TN

Website: https://postmodernspirits.com


Sugarlands Distilling Co.

Products: Moonshine, Rye Whiskey

Tours: Sugarlands offers tour and tasting options seven days a week.

Location: Gatlinburg, TN

Website: https://www.sugarlands.com


Tennessee Legend Distillery

Products: Moonshine, Flavored Whiskey, Flavored Liqueurs

Tours: Tennessee Legend offers distillery tour and tasting options at its two locations seven days a week.

Location(s): Sevierville, TN (2 locations)

Website: http://tennesseelegend.com


Thunder Road Distillery

Products: Rum, Rye Whiskey, Moonshine, Vodka, Gin,

Tours: Thunder Road offers tour and tasting options seven days a week.

Location: Kodak, TN

Website: http://www.thunderroaddistillery.com


Southern Tennessee Distilleries


Old Dominick Distillery

Products: Vodka, Tennessee Whiskey, Bourbon

Tours: Old Dominick offers tour and tasting options Thursday through Sunday.

Location: Memphis, TN

Website: https://olddominick.com

Ready to plan a Tennessee Whiskey Adventure?

Mint Julep can take you there with tours leaving from the Omni Hotel in downtown Nashville five days a week!


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